Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Clinton Portis: Sometimes you got to shut your mouth

In the wake of the New York Jets being investigated for sexual harassment against female reporter Ines Sainz, Clinton Portis, opinionated running back for the Washington Redskins made some controversial comments while on "The Fan" radio. His comments included:

"You know man, I think you put women reporters in the locker room in positions to see guys walking around naked, and you sit in the locker room with 53 guys, and all of the sudden you see a nice woman in the locker room, I think men are gonna tend to turn and look and want to say something to that woman." and "And I mean, you put a woman and you give her a choice of 53 athletes, somebody got to be appealing to her. You know, somebody got to spark her interest, or she's gonna want somebody. I don't know what kind of woman won't, if you get to go and look at 53 men's packages. And you're just sitting here, saying 'Oh, none of this is attractive to me.' I know you're doing a job, but at the same time, the same way I'm gonna cut my eye if I see somebody worth talking to, I'm sure they do the same thing."

The NFL took swift action by sending an email stating their disappointment in Portis's comments and have led any disciplinary action up to the Washington Redskins. Honestly, I believe Clinton should have just kept his mouth closed here. Already he is an aging running back that has declining skills, but now he goes out and says something demeaning about women? That's just not alright. If I was the Redskins, He would have issued a public apology already, and he would possibly be suspended depending on how sincere he was.

Clinton, just play football and keep your unnecessary discriminatory comments to yourself.


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